
Working For The Common Good

Working For The Common Good

This is an interesting article about how our behavior can actually effect our genes and immune systems. “What this finding indicates, says Steven W. Cole, a professor of medicine at...

Working For The Common Good

This is an interesting article about how our behavior can actually effect our genes and immune systems. “What this finding indicates, says Steven W. Cole, a professor of medicine at...

Building Up Bones, with Little Bashing

Building Up Bones, with Little Bashing

This is a great article about bone health. The 7 minute work out that I wrote about a few weeks ago, stairs, walking (even in the water) all work to...

Building Up Bones, with Little Bashing

This is a great article about bone health. The 7 minute work out that I wrote about a few weeks ago, stairs, walking (even in the water) all work to...

Traveling Tips

Traveling Tips

  It used to be that I didn’t need to plan very far ahead, but being older and taking a handful of pills twice a day (well, it’s not that...

Traveling Tips

  It used to be that I didn’t need to plan very far ahead, but being older and taking a handful of pills twice a day (well, it’s not that...

Summer Circle of Life

Summer Circle of Life

This was originally posted in our newsletter, from CFP founder and WHNP, Connie Ryan. You can read the full newsletter here!  Central Family Practice was opened by myself, Carol Cody,...

Summer Circle of Life

This was originally posted in our newsletter, from CFP founder and WHNP, Connie Ryan. You can read the full newsletter here!  Central Family Practice was opened by myself, Carol Cody,...

Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing

Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing

Music has been a common thread to anchor me in time for my entire life. My earliest memory of enjoying music and noticing I was enjoying it was laying on...

Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing

Music has been a common thread to anchor me in time for my entire life. My earliest memory of enjoying music and noticing I was enjoying it was laying on...

GPS for the Soul

This link is for a free app that is really cool. It is based on beat to beat variability in your heart rate that is an indicator of how your...

GPS for the Soul

This link is for a free app that is really cool. It is based on beat to beat variability in your heart rate that is an indicator of how your...