I am a card carrying carbaholic. I jokingly call flour and sugar "the gateway drug" that leads me to want more and more of it, to the exclusion of other foods. I love any food that is white, and I am not talking cauliflower!
Unfortunately, it is not a joke when it comes to the risk of diabetes and heart disease and fatty liver. The thing I know for sure is that if I minimize foods that spike an insulin response in me (processed grains, sugar, I have a normal appetite. If I slide into being lazy about those foods, I lose a normal sense of fullness and I become a carbaholic pretty quickly. I loose my edit button! It has been very helpful to me to take this problem out of the realm of a "character flaw" and put it where it should be in the "metabolic flaw" category. Insulin makes us hungry. The more we make, the more insulin resistance we have, the more we will be hungry and gain weight. It turns our bodies into efficient fat making machines rather than using fat for its intended purpose to fuel us when we do not have enough to eat.
There really are "good carbs and bad carbs". The more processed they are, the less fiber they have, the more dangerous they are. Pay attention to what you eat for the next few days. Notice 2 hours later do you feel satisfied or are you hanging out at the candy basket at work or back in the break room looking for a snack, or in the pantry looking for the meaning of life! Crabby, tired, not enough food on the planet feeling? That is insulin talking, pay attention your life depends on it! – Connie